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Edna Owens

Author, Consultant, Exhorter

Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things. Proverbs 8:6

Lady Edna Owens

Dr. Edna M. Owens is a distinguished laywoman and devoted witness for Christ. A proud native of Mississippi, she boldly claims Christ as her Savior and Lord. Dr. Owens accepted Christ at an early age at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Lima, Ohio, under the pastorate of Rev. John T. Davenport, with Rev. Eddie Kelly as the revival evangelist. Her Christian foundation was shaped by the Northwestern District Association, her Godmother Missionary Annie Cole, and mentors from both the NW Association and the Church of God in Christ. Today, she is a dedicated member of Abyssinia Baptist Church in Capitol Heights, Maryland, where Dr. Robert W. Trice Jr. serves as pastor.

Dr. Edna Owens at Book Signing at Southern Baptist Worship Center

She attended the Perry Local School in Cridersville, Ohio and pursued higher education at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Her study included a double major in Psychology and Sociology. Lady Edna earned her M.Div. at Washington Baptist Theological Seminary and was granted the Doctorate in Divinity, Honoris Causa in 2015.


In 1973, she was recognized by Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She was awarded the Andrew Fowler Community Service award by the seminary in 2014.

In 2016 Dr. Owens was named the first Dean of the W. H. Jernigan Chapel at Washington Baptist Theological Seminary, and in 2022 became the first female to join the illustrious board of trustees of the Seminary.  At WBTS, Dr. Owens is a full-time instructor in Christian Education and Homiletics.


In the Abyssinia Church, she serves as a Team Teacher for the Adult Sunday School Class. She is a supporter of the Shepherd’s Care Ministry, Women’s Ministry and as a backup facilitator for Bible Study classes.

She is a past President of the Women’s Department of the Baptist Convention of DC & Vicinity where she now serves as a member of the convention’s executive board. She served two years as vice president of the convention’s Congress of Christan Education.


Lady Owens served as a member of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows organizations in the DC Metropolitan area. She is a past president of the Interdenominational Council of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows and is president of the United Metropolitan Alliance of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows. She served four years as president of the DC State Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows.


She is a life member of the International Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows and was recognized in the 2024 annual convention as a Living Legend of the organization. She is a past member of the IAMW Department of Education and a former Dean of Education for the NE Region. She currently serves as an appointed chair position as Historian and Archivist.


One of 41 minister' s wives from around the world chosen to write devotionals for the Ministers' Wives Devotional Bible released in 2000 by Thomas Nelson publishers, Lady Owens has also written several articles for the Herald which is the official publication of the International Ministers' Wives and Ministers' Widows Association.


In March of 2024 Lady Owens was elected  to represent the Eastern Region Women's Department of the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. After confirmation during the August annual session in New Orleans, LA, Lady Owens looks forward to the charge of serving her Master and Lord in leading the Women of the Big East.


After a 30-year career serving Prince George’s County, Maryland, Dr. Owens retired in 2021 as Workforce Development Manager for Employ Prince George’s. Her career also included roles with the Department of Social Services and Workforce Services Division.


Lady Owens emerged as an author with her memoir, The Vashti Virtue, which was released in December of 2022.  The book has been widely received and is acknowledged as a respected ministry tool for the faith community.

Dr. Owens shared over 25 years of ministry with her late husband, Bishop D. Lee Owens, and together they raised three children: Pastor Darrell L. Owens, Heather LeeAnne Owens, and Pastor LaVon D. Owens. Her legacy continues as a beacon of faith, service, and inspiration to all who know her.

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