A Stand Against the Tide

Dr. Edna M. Owens
Dr. Edna M. Owens is a distinguished laywoman and devoted witness for Christ. A proud native of Mississippi, she boldly claims Christ as her Savior and Lord. Dr. Owens accepted Christ at an early age at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Lima, Ohio, under the pastorate of Rev. John T. Davenport, with Rev. Eddie Kelly as the revival evangelist...
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Think on This...
Welcome to my inspirational quasi-blog where I share uplifting stories and empowering ideas to help you embrace positivity in your daily life. Join me on this journey of growth and motivation as I write to inspire those who read this section.
By: Edna M. Owens
I remember being insulted. I felt the need to apologize to God for the words spoken by the son of my heart. I am so glad to have lived long enough for God to enlighten the eyes of my understanding. How could I have been wrapped so tightly in the cloak of churchy language and shadowed under the veil of legalistic loyalty that I would deny truth that would blindside me within 30 years...
A God of Purpose and a Pandemic
By Edna M. Owens
Looking back over the years since faced the COVID 19 Pandemic, I remember when my then eight-year-old granddaughter said something that gave me my very best
pandemic laugh of all time. She mused one afternoon, that “people didn’t seem to know that there was a pandemonium going on”...
Sage Ministries
Your Thoughts...
Here, you’ll find comments from people who have purchased my book or heard me speak. I believe hearing from others can give you a deeper insight into my ministry.
Dr. Melvette Melvin Davis
Ph.D., English, Penn State
Your book is such a beautiful, moving story. It convicts yet gives hope. Alice Walker penned The Color Purple. When I read this text, on many occasions during my reading, I saw the color yellow. I saw the rising of God's warm sun with every line of passion, virtue, faith, struggle, wrestling, triumph, and restoration that I read.
Minister Ashley Lockley
Mastering Mind Matters, Founder
I ordered this book on Monday and opened it last night and did not put it down until I finished it...since I’m not getting sleep at night these days anyway.
This book was such a graceful, thoughtful, WISE memoir about the trappings of ministry - the dangers of not having accountability around one, the ways in which ministry can hide one’s character flaws and exacerbate them, and ultimately the grace of God.
Rev. Evaleen Litman Sargent, M.Div.
It’s 4:23a and I just finished reading “The Vashti Virtue: A Stand Against the Tide”. Her memoir is an empowering must-read for both clergy and laity! She uses her personal relationships as examples while pulling back the curtain on church culture and clergy marriage. Edna paints a very vivid picture, using the Word of God plus some painful truths in ecumenical society, to nurture our understanding of this ongoing dance with a loving God.
Deacon Marion B Fripp
Chair of Deacons, Star Bethlehem MB Church,
Received the book. did not stop till the end...
The Vashti Virtue
It was in a sermon preached by Reverend Donald Parsons, that I first heard this statement; Arsenic served from a silver chalice is just as deadly. His point being made was to help the congregation understand that our sin, though encased in pseudo-religious trappings were sins, nonetheless.
Excerpt from The Vashti Virtue
It is my blessed privilege to share with you that your book that you gave me in January 2023, The Vashti Virtue: A Stand Against the Tide, has inspired my message on this Sunday at the First Institutional Baptist Church as we engage in “loving our gifted sisters” all of this month. I quote from your book a couple of times in my message and give you credit.
Thank you so much!
Keep the faith and be encouraged!
Rev. Warren Stewart, Pastor
Phoenix, AZ